Little Miss HISTORY Travels to

Little Miss HISTORY arrives at the North Pole in the award-winning children's book series, in a sled pulled by four huskies. This adventure will show you much that you probably don't know about the North Pole like the fact there's no land there, just icebergs floating on the ocean of the northernmost point on Earth. There are animals there too, above and below the ice.

This adventure will depart for a moment from reality to the fantasy as Little Miss HISTORY explores who Santa Claus is, what he looks like, and where he lives.
This book even tells about the nations vying for a piece of the North Pole. There are many resources to be had there.

So don't let Little Miss HISTORY get away from you this time as she's off exploring again to a beautiful and exciting place on Earth. If you think you know the North Pole now, you will still find something new about it in the pages of this inspiring book.

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